Things that you must do after installing Fedora Linux

Viraj Madhushan
3 min readApr 30, 2022


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01) Customize your dnf config file

Before updating the system, you can do some customizations in your dnf config file. To do that, open dnf.config file in nano editor using the below command.

sudo nano /etc/dnf/dnf.conf

It will ask your password and then click enter. You will get nano editor like this.

nano editor before adding anything.

Then add these lines in that config file. If you add the fastest mirror, that dnf packages download using the closest server to you. Because of that, your package download speed will increase slightly.
Default yes is if there are [y/n] option, yes will be select as a default option. Then you do not need to enter y always. You can continue by simply clicking enter key.


Also, you can add parallel download amount if you have decent internet connection. Normally, dnf packages download one by one. If you add parallel downloads, it will download the amount that you prefer. In below, it will download 10 packages at once. You can change your prefer amount by changing 10. In my case, I prefer default parallel downloads.


After customizing your config file, press CTRL+X and enter Y to indicate save file yes. Then press enter again. It will bring you to terminal again with saving config file.

nano editor
nano editor after adding required lines

02) Updating your packages

To update packages, enter below command and enter password.

sudo dnf -y upgrade --refresh

After that, reboot your system. It’s better always reboot the system after some big update. It’s not necessary, but it may be help to resolve some problems in your system.

To reboot your system,

sudo reboot now

03) Enable third party repositories

In default, fedora has limited number of software repositories. So if you search some software in software center, it maybe does not exist. You can get rid of this by using third party software repositories in RPM fusion.

There are a number of third-party software repositories for Fedora. They have more liberal licensing policies and provide software packages that Fedora excludes for various reasons.

To enable the Free repository, use:

sudo dnf install \$(rpm -E %fedora).noarch.rpm

To enable the Nonfree repository, use: (optional)

sudo dnf install \$(rpm -E %fedora).noarch.rpm

If you want to know more about RPM fusion, check their Home page →

04) Installing plugins for playing movies and music

Some videos and music types may not be play in fedora because of lack of required codec plugins. So let's install them.

First, you need to enable RPM fusion in previous step. Then add below commands one by one.

sudo dnf install gstreamer1-plugins-{bad-\*,good-\*,base} gstreamer1-plugin-openh264 gstreamer1-libav --exclude=gstreamer1-plugins-bad-free-devel

sudo dnf install lame\* --exclude=lame-devel

sudo dnf group upgrade --with-optional Multimedia

05) Install major software packages that you needed

Installing software packages is really easy on fedora. You can do it using GUI or terminal.

Using GUI

You can install many software programs using fedora software center. Furthermore, you just need to search and find the software that you needed.

Using Terminal

In terminal, you can Search software using,

dnf search <package name>

Example: Search VLC media player available to install

dnf search vlc
dnf search output

Installing software
If you can see that search result gives positive outcome what you are looking for, you can install that software using below command.

sudo dnf install <package name>

Example: For installing VLC media player

sudo dnf install vlc.x86_64

Further more details study official fedora documentations from here →



Viraj Madhushan

Passionate learner of AI and Robotics. Always exploring new technologies to stay ahead of emerging trends. Hiking and reading enthusiast.